Creative Placemaking Funding Opportunity!
Submission Deadline Extended: Friday, November 26th, 2021
Do you or others in your community use arts and cultural activities to work towards community well-being? Have you been engaging in creative placemaking or WE-Making?
The WE-Making framework maps the relationship between place-based arts and cultural strategies, social cohesion, and increased equitable community well-being. To demonstrate how WE-Making can be leveraged to address COVID-19 recovery and/or racial justice efforts, practitioners are invited to submit a narrative that explores how place-based arts and cultural strategies “moved the dial” in their community and situate it in the WE-Making framework by using key terms and concepts.
This funding opportunity intends to provide $1,000 to support 25 project submissions. Awards may be made to individuals or groups.
Selected submissions must center COVID-19 pandemic recovery and/or racial justice, situate their project within the WE-Making theory of change, be located in an urban setting and be serving folks in Black, Indigenous and additional communities of color (BIPOC).