HPV Vaccination and Oropharyngeal Cancer: May 20 | 12:15-1p.m.
HPV-related oropharyngeal cancers are on the rise. 70% of these cancers could be prevented by the HPV vaccine. Kendall Tasche, M.D., will cover updated HPV vaccine guidelines for boys and girls with a focus on the role they can play in preventing HPV-related head and neck cancers.
Reserve your spot at https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUvce2tqDktE9Bx3yMEWKGb_F5dk_kRXTEJ
HPV and Oropharyngeal Cancers: June 2 | 12:15-1p.m.
HPV is associated with six different cancers. Cancers in the back of the throat (oropharynx) traditionally have been caused by tobacco and alcohol, but recent studies show that 70% of cancers of the oropharynx may be linked to HPV. Kathryn M. Van Abel, M.D. will talk about the increase in HPV associated head and neck cancers and the most effective ways to treat them.
Reserve your spot at https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMtdeusrD0qHNO66q6zoOlls4i-A5In-vDt