Minnesota Public Health Association
Mental Health Mass Communication: Using Messages to Relieve the Plight of People with Mental Illness
When: March 28 – 29
Where: University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
Goal: The conference aims to bring together students and scholars to create and disseminate knowledge about mental health mass communication.
Description: Mental health mass communication has the potential to effectively promote mental health in the general population, reduce the stigma of mental illness, and encourage people affected by mental health challenges to seek professional help. However, success requires extensive insight from multiple disciplines. The symposium connects graduate students, research faculty, and practitioners who do or want to do the work necessary for strengthening mental health communication.
This FREE symposium features 12 speakers who are experts on mental health stigma, interventions, and psychopathology. To maximize outcomes, the symposium is designed as a small group meeting. Each session has talks from three speakers and a roundtable discussion with speakers and other attendees. Each of the four sessions has three speakers, followed by a roundtable discussion between attendees and speakers.
Sponsors: The symposium's primary sponsors are the UMN's Hubbard School of Journalism and Mass Communication and Claremont Graduate University, home of symposium co-chairs Marco C. Yzer and Jason T. Siegel.
Registration: There are limited attendance spots, so please consider registering soon. Registration is free. For more information and registration options, see the symposium website at sites.google.com/umn.edu/mhcsymposium/home.
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