Strengthening Minnesota’s Geriatric Workforce Using the Age-Friendly Health Systems (AFHS) Framework
This presentation will highlight the inequities in oral health and explore the challenges Minnesota faces in improving access to high-quality oral health care. Moreover, the presentation will share innovative age-friendly health system frameworks and workforce strategies that are being utilized to reduce oral health disparities among older adults in dental health professional shortage areas. Speakers will discuss Minnesota's dental home model, medical/dental integration approaches, and community-clinical linkages. Furthermore, highlights policies that support the provider infrastructure, expand the oral health workforce, and improve access to oral health services for those living in dental shortage areas.
- Understand the burden of oral disease among older adults in Minnesota.
- Learn about the Age-Friendly Health System Framework.
- Learn about the Age-Friendly Health System's best practices and resources for dental clinics.
Speakers Bio:
Prasida Khanal, BDS, MPH
State Oral Health Director
Minnesota Department of Health
Dr. Prasida Khanal is the State Oral Health Director at the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). She received her dentistry degree from Nepal and completed a Dental Public Health Residency from Eastman Institute for Oral Health, University of Rochester Medical Center, New York. Dr. Khanal received honors in Master of Public Health. She has completed a mini residency in geriatrics and long-term care for the dental team and a certificate in project management from the University of Minnesota.
She is a graduate of Minnesota’s Executive Senior Leadership Institute, which is offered in collaboration between the Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB) and the University of Minnesota Humphrey School of Public Affairs. She also competitively selected for the AIDPH Dental Public Health Leadership Academy and a fellowship in oral health policy and delivery from the Center for Health Care Strategies.
Dr Khanal is an Affiliate Assistant Professor for Dental Public Health at the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry. As State Oral Health Director, she serves as a Principal Investigator for several federal and state projects promoting oral health in Minnesota, including the Health Resources and Services Administration grant focused on an innovative workforce model to increase access to care in Dental Health Professional Shortage Areas. She is committed to servant leadership and co-creating equitable oral health solutions through authentic community engagement.
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Koua Her, MPH, MBA
Planner Senior State
Minnesota Department of Health
Koua Her is the Planner Senior State at the Minnesota Department of Health. He serves as the grant coordinator overseeing the HRSA-funded grant to advance Minnesota’s geriatric oral health workforce infrastructure by implementing and adapting the Age-Friendly Health System. He manages the aging and oral health initiative and supports rural oral health and dental workforce committees and activities. Koua has a Master of Public Health in Behavioral Science and Health Promotion and a Master of Business Administration in Leadership and Change.
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Stephen Shuman, DDS, MS, FGSA
Director, Division of Hospital and Special Care Dentistry
Director, Oral Health Services for Older Adults Program
University of Minnesota, School of Dentistry
Dr. Steve Shuman received his dental degree from Temple University and completed his Fellowship and MS degree in Geriatric Dentistry from the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry. He joined the University of Minnesota faculty in 1989 and is now Professor and Director of the school’s Oral Health Services for Older Adults Program. He also serves on the faculty and interprofessional coordinating council for the University’s HRSA-funded Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Expansion Program. Dr. Shuman served on the Board of Directors of the American Society for Geriatric Dentistry for 10 years and was President of that organization from 1998-99. He has been active with the Minnesota Dental Association and currently serves as Chair of its Barriers to Care Committee, as well as Chair of the Oral Health Workgroup for the Gerontological Society of America. His teaching and clinical programs have been recognized nationally as well as at the state and local levels, including the American Dental Association’s national Geriatric Oral Health Award and the 2016 Innovation Award from LeadingAge, the national association of over 6000 non-profits representing the entire field of aging services. He is only the 8th dental professional to be inducted as a Fellow of the Gerontological Society of America, the nation’s oldest and largest organization of professionals working in the fields of aging research, education, policy, and practice.
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Nicole Ferrian, LDH, MS
Clinical Innovations Director
Apple Tree Dental
Nicole Ferrian earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Dental Hygiene and a Master of Science degree in Community Health from Minnesota State University, Mankato. She has over 15 years of experience in the dental and healthcare industries, with expertise in project management, Medicaid, Medicare, and operations. Nicole serves as Apple Tree’s Clinical Innovation Director, working to implement, oversee, and improve projects and processes throughout the organization.
Apple Tree Dental is an innovative nonprofit dental organization with a mission to overcome barriers to oral health by delivering education, prevention, and restorative dental services to vulnerable populations and by providing leadership and innovation to transform the healthcare system.
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Abdirizak Ahmed, MPH
AmeriCorps Public Health Project Coordinator
Minnesota Department of Health
Abdirizak Ahmed is an AmeriCorps Public Health Project Coordinator serving at the Minnesota Department of Health, the Oral Health Program for the 2023-2024 term. Abdirizak is Somali-American and was raised in Minnesota. He earned his Bachelor's in Sociology from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities and a Master of Public Health from Kent State University. He is currently working on a project to advance the oral health workforce in Minnesota with a focus on older adults using the Age-Friendly Health System framework.