2020-2021 MPHA
"Public Health Matters" Policy Forum Series
Environmental Health: Is There Justice for All?
Please join Minnesota’s public health community in these thought‐provoking breakfast conversations:
December 4, 2020, 7:45 - 9:30 AM
(rescheduled from March 20, 2020)
…in the water we use
This forum's panelists and participants will address the equal distribution of Minnesota's water resources. Is there equal access to clean water? Where is the greatest impact of water pollution felt?
Moderator: Jean Streetar, MS, CHES, MPHA Policy Forum Committee Member
Dr. Lucia R. Levers, Research Associate: Water Resources Center, University of Minnesota
Ceil Strauss, CFM, State Floodplain (NFIP) Manager, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources-Ecological and Water Resources Division
Ginny Yingling, Hydrogeologist, Site Assessment and Consultation Unit, Minnesota Department of Health-Environmental Health Division
All 2020-2021 forums will be held virtually via Zoom. Zoom link will be sent once registration is confirmed.
Networking begins at 7:45am. Each forum starts promptly at 8:00am and concludes at 9:30am.
Like us on Facebook! All forums will be recorded and linked on our MPHA Facebook page.
Thank you to our SPONSORS!