MPHA Annual Conference and Meeting
MAY 17-18, 2018
River's Edge Convention Center, St. Cloud, Minnesota
The MPHA annual meeting gathers public health professionals from around the state to exchange information and create a healthier Minnesota through effective public health practice and engaged citizens. This year’s theme will be “From Vision to Action: How Minnesota is Creating an Equitable Culture of Health”. Building on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's Culture of Health framework, the planning committee is developing a program that emphasizes the need to:
- Make Health a Shared Value
- Foster Cross Sector Collaboration
- Create Healthy, More Equitable Communities
- Strengthen Integration of Health Services and Health Systems
A critical aspect of a Culture of Health is health equity, which is achieved when every person has the opportunity to be as healthy as possible. The MPHA 2018 conference will highlight national work on this topic, including a keynote by the President of the American Public Health Association, and examine how communities across Minnesota are addressing structural inequities in health services, housing, income, environmental, and social realms. Attendees will learn about research-based solutions that are shifting community values so seeking to be healthy is a part of everything we do... so much so that we don’t even think about it.
This conference made possible by our generous 2018 Sponsors!
All stakeholders interested in improving the health of Minnesota communities are encouraged to attend.
View the conference program here with concurrent sessions and additional details.
Thursday, May 17, 2018
9:15 am - Noon *Optional pre-conference workshop: "Exploring Power & Privilege: StarPower Simulation" (limited to 30 seats; $15 includes networking lunch, Register separately HERE
10:30 am - 12:00 pm **Optional pre-conference workshop: "Gun Violence Prevention: New Strategies for a New Movement". (unlimited seats; $15 includes networking lunch, select add-on during registration)
11:30 am - 1:00 pm Check in/registration
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ***Optional networking lunch (select add-on during registration, $15)
1:00 pm Conference begins
8:00 pm Day 1 concludes
Friday, May 18, 2018
6:15 - 7:00 am Optional run/walk/yoga (please bring own yoga mat if desired)
7:30 - 8:00 am Breakfast buffet
8:00 am Day 2 begins
2:00 pm Conference closes
*The optional STAR Power pre-conference workshop, facilitated by Dave Nakashima, requires a separate registration, in addition to annual conference registration, and is limited to 30 attendees. The cost is $15 and includes the networking lunch.
** The optional "Gun Violence Prevention: New Strategies for a New Movement" pre-conference workshop, facilitated by Rev. Nancy Nord Bence of ProtectMN, can be added on to regular conference registration.
***Come early for the optional networking lunch before the conference! Meet and mingle with the APHA President, MPHA past Presidents, and other public health leaders over a boxed lunch. The cost is $15 (select during conference registration).
Conference attendees can earn continuing education credits. Nine contact hours are available for nurses. Application for CHES (entry-level)/MCHES (advanced-level) Category I continuing education contract hours (CECH) is being made to the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing Inc. (NCHEC). With pre-confernce workshops, it is anticipated thirteen (13.0) CHES and a maximum of seven (7.0) MCHES credits will be available. Application to the National Board of Public Health Examiners is also being made for Certified in Public Health (CPH) credits.
River's Edge Convention Center, 10 Fourth Avenue South, St. Cloud, Minnesota, 56301
Office: 320-255-7272, www.stcloudriversedgeconventioncenter.com
Please note a private nursing mother's room is available on the second floor (same floor as the conference sessions). The key is available in the conference center main office.
A limited number of room blocks are being held at two connecting hotels to the convention center:
Courtyard By Marriott
404 W St Germain St, St Cloud, MN 56301
$149 per night plus tax for single/double room.
To reserve, please book online at this special link. Or call 320-654-1661, and ask for MN Public Health group code.
Room block guaranteed until May 3, 2018.
Best Western Kelly Inn Plus
100 4th Avenue South, St. Cloud, Minnesota 56301
$109 per night plus tax for any room
To reserve, please call: 320-253-0606. Ask for "MPHA18" group code.
Room block guaranteed until May 3, 2018.
Interested in finding a roommate? Please click here to complete our Roommate Locator Form, and we will do our best to help you make accommodations.
Interested in carpooling to St. Cloud? Have a vehicle and would like to share your seats (and networking time!) with others? Please click here to complete our Carpool Request Form, and we will try to help with transportation needs.
MPHA greatly subsidizes the attendee cost of the conference, and relies upon sponsors to help keep the conference accessible and affordable for all who wish to attend.
Please see 2018 Annual Conference Sponsorship Information. Contact Matt Flory, Conference Co-Chair, with questions.
If you/your organization is interested in sponsoring MPHA's yearly programming (annual conference, policy forums, and national public health week activities), please see general sponsorship information HERE.
To Fund a Scholarship:
The planning committee has developed a program that recognizes the need to engage many stakeholders to help address public health problems. With your support, we hope to provide need-based access to individuals who might not otherwise attend and participate in this conversation. Individuals are invited to make a contribution in any amount, and will receive recognition on the conference registration website, in the program, and in a letter to all attendees receiving a full or partial registration scholarship.
Contributions may be made online at MPHA's donation page (check "scholarship support" and write "annual conference" in the Special Instructions), or, mailed to MPHA at: PO Box 14415, Minneapolis, MN 55414. MPHA is a 501(c)(3) organization.
Thank you, 2018 Conference Sponsors!
MPHA's Refund, Return and Cancellation Policy is: Fifty percent (50%) of conference registration fees can be refunded with written notice up to two weeks prior to the conference date (May 3, 2018). Deadlines for refund requests will be printed in all conference brochures. After the deadline, no refunds will be given. Memberships, donations and policy forum registrations that have been charged are non-refundable and non-cancellable.
For more information or questions, please email Merry Grande, MPHA Program Manager, or Conference Co-Chairs Matt Flory and Ellen Saliares.