The 2016 MPHA Annual Conference
May 25-26, 2016
Many Voices, Shared Vision
Conference Overview
The 2016 Minnesota Public Health Association (MPHA) conference will highlight progress being made across sectors to achieve health equity. The breakout session themes include:
implementation of local, state, and national strategies addressing health equity, cross sector partnership and community engagement, and global health.
The 2016 Minnesota Community Health Worker Alliance Statewide Conference will be held in conjunction with MPHA’s Annual Conference on day two of the conference! Alliance and MPHA conference registrants will participate in a joint opening plenary and breakout sessions on the morning of May 26. The Alliance conference will continue into the afternoon with a luncheon, plenary program, and breakouts.
MPHA conference registrants have the opportunity to attend the afternoon programming of the CHW Alliance Conference for an additional registration fee.
Conference Objectives
This conference will provide an opportunity to:
- Describe current initiatives in Minnesota that help achieve the Triple Aim of Health Equity.
- Identify strategies for strengthening community capacity to create their own healthy future.
- Cite examples of cross-sector partnerships and policies that impact health.
- Understand key public health legislative policies impacting health equity.
Conference Brochure: The 2016 MPHA Annual Conference brochure can be found here.
MPHA will be offering a combination registration that allows non-MPHA members to join MPHA at the same time as registering for the conference at the reduced MPHA member rate. Please click on the "Register" button.
Community Health Workers should register for the conference here.
MPHA conference attendees who are interested in registering for the afternoon session on the 26th for the CHW conference should register here.
Continuing Education and Conference Center
University of Minnesota St. Paul Campus
1890 Buford Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55108
Lodging: A block of rooms has been reserved at Country Inn & Suites at a rate of $99.00/night plus tax (10.125%). Mention the name of the MPHA conference and make reservations by noon on April 26, 2016, to receive conference rate.
Country Inn & Suites
2740 Snelling Ave N, Roseville, MN 55113
Continuing Education Credits
Application for CHES (entry-level)/MCHES (advanced-level) Category I continuing education contract hours (CECH) is being made to the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing Inc. (NCHEC). Application to the National Board of Public Health Examiners is also being made for Certified in Public Health (CPH) credits. Eight contact hours are available for nurses.
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