The Minnesota Society for Public Health Education and Minnesota Public Health Association encourage celebration of National Public Health Week.

Governor Tim Walz has issued a proclamation to designate April 4-11, 2022 as Public Health Week in Minnesota. The theme across the country is “Public Health Is Where You Are.” Where we live impacts our health and wellbeing. Together, we can make our communities healthier, stronger, and safer. When we have support within our communities, it can contribute to a positive effect on both our physical and mental health.
Over 400 members of the Minnesota Public Health Association and Minnesota Society for Public Health Education are partnering to educate the public about the value that public health brings to our state; acknowledge, lift and elevate our public health workforce who continues to mobilize communities for the protection and improvement of the public’s health, and inspire the next generation of public health workers in Minnesota.
“Public health touches all parts of our lives,” says Elizabeth Moe, MPHA President, “The pandemic has taught us that. Public health workers monitor the air we breathe, the water we drink, the patterns and conditions that determine our health and well-being. Public health is about all of us.”
Public health has played a key role to protect and improve the health of all Minnesotans by:
- Working to immunize people against diseases and identifying factors that contribute to environmental health.
- Improving the health of mothers and children.
- Promoting health behaviors including increased physical activity, good nutrition, and smoking cessation
- Developing strategies to detect and control disease
- Sustaining healthy communities through regulation and promoting health equity
- Being at the forefront of the pandemic response
About the Sponsors
About the Minnesota Society for Public Health Education (MN SOPHE)
Minnesota SOPHE is 100% volunteer professional society; the state chapter of the National Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE).
The purpose of MN SOPHE is to provide a forum for health educators to network in their respective fields, to promote the professional growth of health educators and to stimulate communication and collaboration among health educators and to identify opportunities for collaboration between health education and other disciplines on issues of mutual public health concerns.
About the Minnesota Public Health Association (MPHA)
Established in 1907, MPHA is a volunteer-driven organization representing a broad spectrum of community and health professionals on behalf of the public. It is an organization where public health workers from multiple disciplines and sectors come together around shared values and goals. MPHA engages and develops its members to mobilize the community to protect and improve the public’s health.
Minnesota Public Health Association (MPHA) works in partnership with other organizations and groups of organizations to achieve our mutual public health policy goals.